Lisa Bevere, noted author, states " Women percieve each other as problems and men as answers."  This struck me immediately. Could this possibly be the reason so many women claim they can't get along with females? Could this be the reason  so many women say "I don't have friends, just associates?" Yet, these same women go through men like toilet paper. You can find them hanging with the guys with a beer in one hand and a dart in the other. Ready to aim fire at the next woman that she percieves to smile at her man. Women we are better than this but we have bought the lie that women can't be trusted, that women don't know as much as a man and that women only keep up gossip.  Believe it or not men gossip, they lie and they certainly don't know everything.  The only man to ever walk the earth that knew everything, was Jesus. Guess what? He was born of a woman. A woman that gave us The Answer to all problems. A woman that worshipped and celebrated the gift of life with another woman, Elizabeth, who also produced a man that pointed out the problems of other men. We appreciate men and affirm them in new ways, when we realize that we don't need them to be the answer. Women we find our answers, we become our answers when we connect, build and worship with each other.
Put that "In Quotations"
Lushonda Okoli
8/20/2009 10:23:39 am

I am so grateful for a website such as this one. God has created the woman to be strong, creative, loving among several other things. We have fallen away from that because of the lies that society has put out there that women are weak sex objects, so thank you Miss Hill for allowing God to use you to help women reach their fullest potential.

Betty Hill
8/21/2009 12:55:57 pm

This is such a wonderful site, I am sooo proud of Ms Hill allowing God to use her to reach out to women in all walks of life. With so much negativity in the world,its nice to have a site that not only aims towards these issues but to the issues of women and helping us to move forward in Christ and make a difference beginning with ourselves,then our communities,and then the world!!! God Bless I look forward to the Growth of this ministry!

8/22/2009 12:33:59 pm

Rhonda Hill has always had a passion for the Lord, for healing and for justice. I couldn't think of another sister in Christ that could do what she does how she does it. Sisters it's good to have sisters, but let us remember to make God the foundation for all relationships. A man is a wonderful thing and God made woman for man, so let's admit that yes, we want a man, but until the LORD brings him to us we will continue to grow in Christ and build strong relationships with our sisters. God bless you Rhonda. I miss you girl. Yushima Cherry

Yathzee Inman
8/27/2009 11:06:36 am

Women are doing the best they have with what they have to work with. The harsh reality is that Men have failed them and forced them to be something that they are not. As men "We" have bought into the lie and negated the very essence of a man which is to provide and protect. When any being is placed into a role that they have not been ordained for they begin to imitate what they see. The danger of imitation is that is that oneself is lost. But in Christ we are found. And a wise woman once told me that you can never be lost once you have been found. And I truly belive that the Holy Spirit will restore the "Called" and the "Chosen" to who they were in the beginning which was "Whole" God's goal is to make us Whole. Lacking nothing in the Spirit.

Dare to belive in the the power of the Holf Spirit through Christ.

In Him,


8/3/2010 12:59:56 pm

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.


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