How many times have you had to console a friend about yet another poor choice?  Poor choice meaning; dead beat boyfriend. Dead beat boyfriend meaning; no job, multiple baby mommas, arrogant, selfish, married or worse yet a woman beater.  Bill Maher may be on to something.  We must stop complaining and start making better choices.  This is where we get stomped, where we give up hope.  Many women have lost hope in the idea that there are good men to choose from.  Instead we settle on whatever seems like it may give us a moment of happiness.  We settle for the lies we have told ourselves. We allow ourselves to participate in something we would advise the next woman against.  So, what is the remedy? Say no to the lies that come in the midst of loneliness. Establish standards and stick to them. Believe that God loves you the most. Women there are beautiful, God fearing men waiting to give and receive love from a beautiful, God fearing woman.  Love yourself, love God and trust Him to lead you to your Adam. Put that “In Quotations”