"Women have to be strong" said by mommas everywhere.
Ladies at some point in our lives we have heard that statement, be it spoken to you directly or indirectly, it is a message that has been stained in many of our memories.  We see the message displayed in the amount of responsibility given in order to make us strong.  We experience the message in the way we often work our jobs and others.  We see it implied through the amount of grace given to the male slackers in the family versus the tight rope we often have had to walk. 
In our quest to be strong for everyone else, we have rendered ourselves to be weak.  Weak when we are alone and haunted by the pain of bearing this pseudo strength. We must allow the veil to be lifted from our eyes and discover the strength that comes from God when we acknowledge our weakness.
We don't have to wear our burdens.  We just have to be the unique person God has created and gifted. As we allow His strength to empower us, others will be lifted. Realize sisters that you are strong in Christ. Once you accept that you'll never have to strive to be strong again, because you'll know that you have already been made strong.
Put That"In Quotations"