"If His grace is an ocean, we are all sinking." lyrics of "How He Loves Me"
Sinking quick. Hands waving tirelessly with white flag in hand. Surrendering to a life that is bleak. Swallowed up by routine. Life is painted black and white. Then, bursting forth from the clouds, a  small bright red heart shaped object streaks through the sky. Rapidly more occur. They begin to take form. They take on the shape of a cross and make a bee line towards  those flagging hands. Moving faster than a speeding bullet,  plunges in, wraps about me like a ribbon, pulling me from the drowning state. As I stand errected, I take notice of the once white now red flag in my hand. There were words on it that read "Love is the Superhero" and marked with the sign of a cross.
"If His grace is an ocean, we are all sinking." lyrics of "How He Loves Me"
Sinking quick. Hands waving tirelessly with white flag in hand. Surrendering to a life that is bleak. Swallowed up by routine. Life is painted black and white. Then, bursting forth from the clouds, a  small bright red heart shaped object streaks through the sky. Rapidly more occur. They begin to take form. They take on the shape of a cross and make a bee line towards  those flagging hands. Moving faster than a speeding bullet,  plunges in, wraps about me like a ribbon, pulling me from the drowning state. As I stand errected, I take notice of the once white now red flag in my hand. There were words on it that read "Love is the Superhero" and marked with the sign of a cross.
"Wherefore I say unto her, which sins are many, are forgiven; for she loved much: but to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little". Luke 7:47

He loves me and longs for me in ways no one has, nor ever will.
This passage of scripture came to me in the wee hours, as much as I wanted to ignore His power in these verses, I couldn't. Instantly compelled to remeber all the ways I have screwed up. Haunted by my most recent shortcomings, He reminded me of this woman with her oil, tears, hair and kisses. Compelled by his love and her deep regrets, she honored the Master. She gave Him her all.  She loved Him much because she recognized she needed to be forgiven for much.
Today, He asked me " How deep is your love for me"? "Have you recognized you have been forgiven of many sins"?He reminded me of His love and challenged me to look at the way I love Him. The power of His love removes all guilt and shame and invites us to live freely and love freely. Give others the same gift of love and forgivness you are given by God daily. Put that "In Quotations"
"Worrying is negative meditation" Creflo Dollar

How often have you lost sleep thinking about past due bills?  Or, maybe it wasn't sleep lost due to bills but thoughts about a loved one.  Whatever the case, when we worry we are meditating on things we can't control, people we can't control. 
I encourage you as we blossom into spring, to re-route your meditations.  Instead of centering your attention and energy on the negative, become positive.  Paul encourages us in Philipians Chp. 4 to think on whatever is true, worthy of reverence, just, pure, lovely, gracious, of virtue, excellent and praise worthy. Once you begin to positive meditations, those problems that appeared huge will, shrink. Peace will become apart of your daily life instead of worry and stress.
 Rember God can handle everything you can't. So, stop losing sleep, God's got it. Put that "In Quotations"