This month is Women's History Month.  This is a time for us to reflect upon and celebrate the contributions women have made to the world.  As we recognize those heroines, we can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride as women.  Would it not be nice to feel this way all year long?  Well, women, we can. " Is there no queen inside of you?"  Are you not worth celebrating each and everyday?  Are there not women around you doing great things daily?  Let us not limit ourselves to celebrating others that we have never me before and will probably never meet, but let us celebrate ourselves.  Remeber where God has brought you from and where He is taking you.  He has done great things in your life.  Do not wait to celebrate the historic moments others have created, but celebrate the ones you are creating now.  Put that "In Quotations."
9/24/2012 09:42:52 pm

Nice one info, thx

9/27/2012 07:59:36 am

Nice one info, thanks


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