"Worrying is negative meditation" Creflo Dollar

How often have you lost sleep thinking about past due bills?  Or, maybe it wasn't sleep lost due to bills but thoughts about a loved one.  Whatever the case, when we worry we are meditating on things we can't control, people we can't control. 
I encourage you as we blossom into spring, to re-route your meditations.  Instead of centering your attention and energy on the negative, become positive.  Paul encourages us in Philipians Chp. 4 to think on whatever is true, worthy of reverence, just, pure, lovely, gracious, of virtue, excellent and praise worthy. Once you begin to positive meditations, those problems that appeared huge will, shrink. Peace will become apart of your daily life instead of worry and stress.
 Rember God can handle everything you can't. So, stop losing sleep, God's got it. Put that "In Quotations"
5/31/2012 01:45:42 am

Nice one info, thx

9/27/2012 04:24:20 pm

good post


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