“If you want to be powerful as a woman, act like a man.” -Society

Women have been under attack since the beginning of our existence on earth.  It started with the serpent, moved to Adam and landed us to today’s attack on woman.  Every attack has been to get woman to undermine her own authority, her own assets and her own voice. 

The above statement has been painfully true for women, because we have bought into the lie.  It may have been due to the need to survive and make it in this world for some, but for most they hold that statement to be truth. 
There are many attributes of the woman but they have become minimized by men and other well meaning women. 
Can you list the positive character traits of a woman? Can you remember the last woman you encouraged to win on her own character as a woman or did you challenge her to do it like a man?  Have you ever said “I am going to do it because men do it all the time?” How about this statement, “If a man can do it, I can do it.”  The mere fact that many of us measure ourselves next to the man is a display of the idea that the man’s way is better and much more powerful. The greatest gift you can give the oppressor is to continue to measure yourself by the standards they use to oppress you.

Women let us discover the beauty of being a woman.  Let us discover the power that resides in having a womb, breasts, estrogen and soft skin.  Let us stop measuring our gifts by the man’s gift. Let us stop depreciating our selves by acting like men and approaching situations the way a man would.  Women have many gifts the world is waiting to receive.
Put that In Quotations.
Teara Stewart
8/27/2009 04:40:28 am

WOW this is very powerful rhonda!!! Its helping me to see alot of things diffrently. Keep up the Good work Rhonda!!!


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